Saturday, February 25, 2023

jewels shining on the ocean

Dark night lit up by a gorgeous moon.

All of the cruise ships are headed back home.
Happy, contented passengers will have one more night to be rocked to sleep.

What a joy our trip turned out to be!
It is hard for me to even put words to the reality of our seven nights at sea.
I wondered if a soon to be 75 year old could navigate such a huge floating vessel.
Thankfully, I found my wings and became young again.

Something magical happens when you step on a big ship.
You are not earthbound anymore.
You develop a new way of walking.
You rock back and forth.
Your gait is different.

Almost immediately the stress of life seems to disappear.
You are somewhere else doing something different.
You are lighter, freer.

The ocean mesmerizes my soul.
Its power overwhelms my senses.
I can't understand it.
It soothes and comforts my tired mind.
It boosts my energy.
It strengthens my faith In God.

Thank You, Lord, for the blessing of this trip and this time with Amanda.
I've stored these memories in my heart and mind to be looked back on and remembered.


Here ends my rather extensive travelogue of our travels on the high seas.
I have gathered and edited my pictures into a semblance of order.
I have written my thoughts from day one.
Now to write a short, concise article on the joys of cruising.


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