Thursday, February 23, 2023

girl trip ~ so amazing

One of our most favorite things.
Amanda and I are early to bed ~ early to rise girls.
Every night we ordered room service to be delivered at 6:00 AM.
Every morning at 6:00 AM there was a tap ~ tap ~ at our cabin door.
Two pots of coffee,
half and half,
and a plate full of croissants and danish appeared.
We set up on the balcony,
sometimes just as the sun was rising.
This, my friends, is just the absolute best part of the day.
Drinking coffee and watching the sun come up while gazing upon the ocean.
It just doesn't get much better than that.

Most nights we chose to dine in the big dining room.
One night we decided to go to the highly acclaimed Italian restaurant.
It was delicious.
A smaller more intimate dining experience in a beautiful setting.

Cathy and the Flamingo.

Every day we had at least two of these soft-serve ice cream cones.
After lunch and a late afternoon snack.
Indulgence for sure.

Day and night.
A great perspective on our location.
A long way from home.

Picture taken from the ferry boat we took to St. John.
Back at St. Thomas.
Our room was way in the front right under the bridge.
How about those classy lifeboats?

I searched the clouds for hearts all week.
This is the only one I saw...
floating over Cuba.
It's upside down but that's okay. 
Hearts are hearts wherever you see them


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