Tuesday, February 28, 2023

after three years ~ Bubba

Grief never goes away.
It lingers in your heart long after it descends upon you.
At first, it is overwhelming.
You go to a place you have never been before.

At that time, three years ago, I was in disbelief,
denial they call it,
nothing was the same,
everything had changed in my world.
I was surrounded by friends and family,
but was completely alone.
Nothing made sense.
I must have appeared to all around me as a walking zombie.

As the days passed and the people went home and I was alone,
reality set in.
Bubba was gone and I would have to either give up,
sit down and do nothing ever again,
cry and lament my loss in a sea of depression,
live in fear of the unknown,
complain and grumble about my fate,
wallow in the sea of unbelief or...
find a way to live again.

At the time, neither choice seemed to make any sense.
I knew I couldn't give up.
But, I didn't seem able to move forward either.
I was stuck in the chaos of a brain that had gone numb.
I couldn't read ~ my passion.
I wasn't able to make a decision on which way to proceed.

Then Covid hit.
No Church services.
No fellowship.
Completely and utterly alone most of the time.

To be continued...


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