Wednesday, March 1, 2023

the first year ~ 2020

 I don't remember much about the year after Bubba passed from this world.
I could go back and read my writings on this blog.
All of my intense grief and sorrow are chronicled there.
For some reason though,
I don't go back.
Too painful.

This is what I do remember.
I did a lot of cooking for my family and I forced myself to read the Psalms.

After Covid, we had church on Zoom.
Every Sunday morning the Cleland crew and I met at my house
to worship and hear God's Word via the internet.
we would gather at the big table to eat all of the food I had prepared the day before.
It was a blessed day always.

After a while,
 I took to reading the Psalms over and over.
They became my spiritual food,
a healing balm for my broken heart,
and refreshment for my stymied mind.
I started out slowly, one at a time. 
Sometimes I didn't make it through a whole Psalm,
but I persevered.

This morning I was reading Psalm 34.
I first noticed that I had written "Favorite" at the top.
Then I got to verse 4.
It was circled.
"I sought the Lord and He answered me,
And delivered me from all my fears."

Then I noticed what I had written next to the verse...
"Working on this in 2020."

Then I read on...
Verse 18
"The Lord is near to the brokenhearted,
and saves those that are crushed in spirit."

I had written next to this verse,,,
" Death ~  Sorrow ~ Comfort."

In my despair that first year as I faithfully read His word,
He spoke to me. 
Not just in these two verses but all throughout the Psalms.
I am glad that I write in my Bible.
I can look back and see how God was speaking to me then.
Gently bringing me through the hardest thing I have ever had to bear.
Teaching me to trust Him.
Letting me know I was not alone.
He was right there by my side the whole way through that first year of grief.

to be continued...

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