Saturday, March 9, 2024

birthday flowers and a new baby in the family

First, the new baby.
This is Sadie Josephine Stewart.
She was born on February 17, 2024.
She is three weeks old today.
She belongs to my niece Anna and her husband Robert 
who have lived in Savannah for almost a year.
Sadie is a gift from God and is doing really well getting herself on a schedule.
I love her so much!

The Hollingworth family sent me these flowers for my birthday.
There were enough to have two bouquets.
So many different varieties!
So fresh!
They have a strong scent of deliciousness permeating my house.
I put this grouping in my bathroom.

Here is the other bouquet in my Grandmother's pink glass vase.
this one stayed on my kitchen island.

It seemed like February went by in a flash.
When there is a 7-day cruise in the month it throws you off.

And now daylight savings time begins tonight.
We move forward and lose an hour of sleep.
The time change is madness.
It disorients me for days.
Could we just please leave time alone?



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