Sunday, November 6, 2011

oh no....plunged into darkness

My saddest day of the year.
I took this picture at 6:00 pm.....
already dark as you can see.
lots of candles
and soft light from lamps.
stay busy.
I don't watch TV....
so hopefully I can get lots of items on ebay to sell
and go through my recipes,
maybe even finally get them all on my computer.
Reading, of course,
bedding down early.

My motto...
"sleep when it is dark,
get up at dawn,
and work while it is light."

I will be looking forward to December 21st
when the days start getting longer again.

Radiation treatments for Bubba start tomorrw afternoon at 5:00.
I know,
terrible time,
but he should get moved up to a better slot soon.
He is doing well and our trust is in Christ.

We drove over to the island today...
St. Simon's Island that is.
Enjoyed lunch
and the little village by the ocean.
Kind of windy, but always beautiful.

"Let all that you do be done with love."
I Corinthians 16:14

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