Friday, February 23, 2018


I am two weeks into my six weeks of radiation treatment.

Bubba sent out his daily text a little while ago...
"Number 10 is done.
We are one third of the way to 30 treatments.
that's 33.333333%."

As predicted...
the mouth pain has come.
the fatigue is here,
and nothing tastes even remotely good anymore.
I am trying to adjust to this "new normal" for the next weeks and months.

In spite of this hardship God is good.
This could be so much worse.
His grace will enable me in this trial to glorify Him.
Keep praying!
He hears the prayers of His people.
I feel His strength in the deepest part of my soul.
I am thankful!

"The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness;
He will sustain Him on His sickbed."
Psalm 41:3

This is my verse that I use while I'm  getting radiation.

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