Friday, April 10, 2020

don't be sad, rejoice!

I was vacuuming and missed the doorbell.
As I passed the front door something on my front porch caught my eye.
On this day that Jesus was crucified on His cross,
a day filled with thanksgiving and sorrow over what our Lord suffered for us,
a day that my grief has felt extremely intense,
this amazing blessing was waiting for me.
A dear, sweet family in our church left this on my doorstep.

Just when I needed it most, 
when I least expected a physical blessing,
there it was, 
just in time to remind me...
 "Really Cathy, 
you are much loved, 
 you are going to get better,
you have everything you need 
in the work that Jesus Christ did on the cross that Friday so long ago."
It said, "Don't be sad, Rejoice!"

Their boys made the most beautiful card,
 and tucked away at the bottom of the bag were three of my favorite bagels, 
one of the few things I really enjoy eating since radiation.

I am continually amazed at the body of Christ,
 my brothers and sisters
at Hope Bible Church here in Savannah.

Thank You, dear Savior, for dying on the cross for our sins.
Thank You for putting joy in my heart in spite of the sadness,
Thank you for friends like these who brought hope and love to my house this morning!


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