Wednesday, April 8, 2020

sharing the burden of grief

Lucy brought me a bouquet of camellias last week,
this one fell off its stem.
When I picked it up, somehow it's beauty made everything a little better.
Grief is always with me these days;
yes, it has set up a permanent residence in my heart.
But quite frequently during the day, 
God will remind me that life is still worth living, 
yes, living and thriving and enjoying the good things that
He constantly lavishes upon me. 
Bubba would want me to be happy, to enjoy the rest of my life, to sing songs of praise to our God.

I haven't told this story yet...
I was alone here at our house when Bubba went to be with the Lord. 
As the paramedics were taking him down the stairs and out the front door I said to myself,
"This isn't good."
I drove to the hospital alone.
I had called my brother and he and Sally were to meet me there.
I remember that drive.
I just kept praying that Bubba would live.
We had plans, things to do together, people to love and care for.

The doctor called me back soon after...
He spoke the dreaded words,
"We did everything we could Mrs. Cleland...
He didn't make it."

This is the point at which an amazing event began to occur.
My brother and Sally and I were in a very small, very warm room somewhere just off of the emergency waiting area.
I was what I think you would call "shell-shocked."
Then people started appearing...
Erika, the kids, and one by one, our wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ,
our precious church family.
Soon the room was filled with so much love,
so much empathy, so much compassion, so much grace.
God in His mercy surrounded me with His very presence in human form.
I will never forget that day, these souls,
these saints,
"who shared the burden of my grief
by simply showing up in the midst of it and grieving with me."
Every Moment Holy

This is a testimony of my close walk with God.
What the word of God means when it says, 
"I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6

God is real y'all!
Jesus is too.
He is my life and my song.
I will praise Him all the rest of my days.


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