Wednesday, July 1, 2020

summer's bounty

I am getting ready to celebrate the fourth of July with my family...
planning menus and activities that will be fun for the kids.
I went to the market on the way to the beach yesterday.
I bought Silver Queen corn, a watermelon, and some juicy tomatoes.
Erika made me a loaf of her homemade bread.
I also came home with one dozen rustic pink roses.
Summer is at its peak right now.
I am glad and thankful for all of this goodness.

Nothing has happened with blogger yet.
Maybe whatever was going to happen happened and I don't detect any change.
Maybe it hasn't happened yet.
Maybe when and if it does happen I'll be able to deal with it.
Whatever, I get to write this afternoon and that is good.

I posted this verse on Facebook today...
"Whatever the Lord pleases He does,
 in heaven and in earth,
 in the seas and in all deeps."
Psalm 135:6

In times like the ones we are living through, I take great comfort from this passage.
God is in control just as He has always been.
As believers, our joy comes only from Jesus and He is our only hope.
God never changes.
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
If we could see His plans for our future we would be astonished.
I'm hitching my hopes to the One who never fails!

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