Wednesday, August 26, 2020


"Affliction brings out graces that cannot be seen in times of health.
It is the treading of the grapes that brings out the sweet juices of the vine; 
so it is affliction that draws forth submission,
 weandedness from the world,
 and complete rest in God. 
Use afflictions while you have them." 
Robert Murray McCheyne


I'm sharing these words today because they speak volumes to my soul.
As we walk through the storms of life,
and we all do,
there comes a time, hopefully. when we can begin to see them shaping our lives.
There is a bigger picture...
God is doing something monumental, huge, through our afflictions.
He is fitting us for eternity.
He is making us and molding us in His image.
He is enabling us to see things from His perspective.
He is causing us to seek Him, to trust Him, to know Him, to love Him.

O Spirit of God,
 help us not to miss the opportunities that You give us to draw closer to You!


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