Saturday, August 1, 2020

5 months in...

It's been five months since Bubba died.
There is only one way to describe what happened to me...


An upheaval is a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.
My life as I had always known it changed suddenly in the blink of an eye.
I would love to tell you readers that I have handled this upheaval beautifully.
I would be lying.
The days and nights pass.
Some are better than others.
Yesterday the depression was dreadful.
I couldn't sleep last night.
I very frequently stop and think,
"something's just not right."
And yes,
Nothing has been just right since that day.

Bubba left me things to read.
Often he would run off a chapter in a book that he was reading.
Many times I set them aside to read later.
Well, now is later.

I struggle with fear and anxiety.
I call it my "besetting sin."
Now that I live alone and have to be responsible for most everything, it has gotten worse.
I am sharing my heart here in hopes to help someone else who struggles as I do.

I was sitting in my favorite chair in my sun-filled beach room yesterday.
I was reading from a page that Bubba left me.
I came across this verse.
I had read it 100 times before.
But this time it hit me like a thunderbolt.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind."
II Timothy 1:7

I've been meditating on this verse in the hours since I read it.
If God hasn't given us a spirit of fear, then fear has to come as a temptation from Satan,
our enemy.
Fear steals joy,
Fear is a destroyer.
Fear cripples the spirit.

On the other hand,
What HAS God given us?
God has given us power ~ His Spirit dwells in us.
He has given us love ~ He sent Jesus to die for us,
He has given us a sound mind ~ a mind filled with His word.

Fear is a sin!
I need to repent of this gross sin and believe the truth.
Keep reminding me of this truth through Your word O my God.

Thank you, Bubba for leaving me things to read that are just what I need right now!
I feel you close.
I can't see you but I know you are there.

The flowers pictured above are steps from my back door.
God fills my life with truth and beauty.

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