Monday, August 10, 2020

summer at hilton head island

When I finally got around to calling about renting two chairs and an umbrella,
the cheery voice on the other end of the phone said,
"We are all sold out."
(I think this had to do with "social distancing.")
This meant we had to haul chairs and umbrellas to the beach and set them up ourselves...
never an easy task!
But we persevered and here is our camp.
I cannot tell you how many times the umbrellas uprooted and went flying down the beach.

My seat is the watermelon one.
It was easier to get into than out of.

Harry dug a huge hole.
He worked on it all day.
It was magnificent!
He stopped one time to come show me a huge blister on his hand from all of the digging.
It didn't stop him though.

Gus and Walter built a sandcastle.
Isn't it wonderful that one little boy from Ethiopia and one from China can end up being brothers!

The boys with their boogie boards.
Hours of fun riding the waves in to the shore.

Headed to the beach early in the morning.
Not a care in the world! 
Everybody helps carry their load.

So thankful for this time with my family at the beach.

I ❤️ the beach!

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