Thursday, December 3, 2020

a magical week at the beach

Beautiful sight.

Harry climbing the tree at the Harbor Town playground.

I made some homemade guacamole.

David grilling on hamburger night.

Grammy and Walt walking on the beach.

Amanda and Mark riding bikes on the beach.

Boys in the hot tub.

Of course, there was a puzzle put together.
As usual, when all was said and done, there was one piece missing.

There is always that one guy doing his own thing while everybody else conforms.
I find this especially true when I'm trying to take a picture of all of the grandkids.

This big palm tree trunk had washed ashore right by the walkway to our house.

Our new sandcastle making kit worked perfectly!

This was a magical, sunkissed, blessed of the Lord week at the beach.
I have to agree with the sign below that I found in the beach house.


At least for a little while!

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