Thursday, December 17, 2020

unexpected beauty

I finally finished decorating my tree.
It was a bittersweet project.
I don't know why, but almost every ornament reminded me of Bubba.
Those pangs of grief were almost constant and I asked myself a couple of times,
"Cathy, why are you doing this?"

Christmas has always made me wild with excitement.
My Mom and Dad instilled it in me at a very young age.
I still believed in Santa Claus when I was eleven or twelve.
Christmas is magic!
When you grow up and have children you make the magic happen.
Bubba loved it too.

Christmas isn't going to be the same this year,
but I wanted to make our home festive and glowing with candlelight.
I want to see the happy faces of our children and grandchildren gathered around.
I want to bask in the light of their love.
Bubba would want me to be happy.
I know that without a doubt.

I just received a note from a very special friend who writes beautiful stories.
This is what she shared...

"I've been thinking of you and hoping your holidays 
can be beautiful in unexpected ways."

I'm savoring these words!
I'll surely be looking for the unexpected beauty that is found in the quiet places of my heart
 as I remember past Christmases with my sweet husband and friend, 
the Christmases I was blessed to have him with me.
I will be also be looking for beauty this Christmas in the presence of the family we made together.
God makes beauty happen everywhere!

In spite of the sadness, I am able to rejoice mightily in the birth of Jesus.
Jesus is the reason I have JOY in all circumstances.
Jesus has given life by His death.
Bubba is with Jesus!
"He has passed from death into life."
One day we will all be together celebrating in heaven.
Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!"


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