Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Christmas tree saga

I waited too late to buy my Christmas tree this year. 🎄
Who would have thought they would all be gone by the seventh of December?
I've been busy traveling and decided to wait to get the perfect tree until I returned home.
That was not the best plan.

Bubba and I always got our tree from Hester & Zipperer.
I would choose the biggest, tallest tree on the lot.
Bubba would shame me and bring me down a few notches for picking out something so outrageous.
I would pick out a tree just a little shorter.
He would shake his head and say.
"Okay, but it is way too big."
I would throw in a fresh wreath and gather up plenty of balsam branches for decorating the house.
Hester and Zipperer would deliver the tree the next day and set it up for us.
Best scenario ever.


This year I don't have Bubba.
This year Hester and Zipperer were completely sold out of trees.
Their lot was swept clean...
not even any pine needles were left on the ground.
I went to the van and cried.
You cry a lot when you are a widow facing your first Christmas without your love.
I had already planned to meet up with Erika and Harry to get a tree.
I checked several more places before we met.
Every place was sold out with no more trees arriving on a flatbed truck.
We decided to check Home Depot before giving up.
The had a few left,
but no tall ones.
They seemed fresh though, so we both purchased one,
had them loaded on the roof of our vans,
(Getting mine tied on was an event in itself)
and headed our separate ways.
Now I had to get it all the way out to Southbridge.
I could only fantasize about what I would do if it blew off.
Thankfully, me and the tree made it home safely.
You can see from the picture that it turned itself sideways.

I know you are wondering how I went about getting the tree off of the top of the van.
Erika and Walt made a special trip to hoist it down.
bring it into the house,
put it into the tree stand perfectly straight, 
filled with water, and giving off that wonderful fresh Christmas tree smell.

At this moment, 
the tree is doing its thing,
a much smaller version of trees from Christmases past,
but still beautiful and unique and waiting for my special decorating touch.
I am so thankful to have a tree this year.
(It almost didn't happen)
To have loving people who would go so far above and beyond to do this for me.
To know and experience God's love in action from
people that have carried me through this year of sadness.

"Cease striving and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10


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