Monday, December 28, 2020

cathy's folly

I just woke up from a long winter's nap.
Starting the day before Christmas, my body began to shout at me...
"No more!"
Previously, I had worked like crazy to get ready for the festivites,
waking before 4 AM every morning and working like a machine until late in the evening. 
Decorating, shopping, wrapping gifts, shopping for food, cooking it...
on and on I went.

When Amanda and I had a knock-down-drag-out girl fight on Christmas Eve
 over something as frivolous as a name on a gift,
I knew I was finished.
I was no longer able to think rationally.
I realized then that I had done myself in just before the big day.

I don't know what I was trying to prove.
Bubba's death changed everything.
The one who helped me is no longer here.
I tried to do what I'd always done and I did.
But, when Christmas arrived, 
I was tired and sad and lacking in good cheer.

The effects of grieving are very real.
Some people just give up,
I overcompensate.
Do too much.
Don't recognize my limitations.
I could hear Bubba telling me during that time to slow down, rest, do less,
but I ignored his quiet voice in my head.

Hopefully, as I go into the next few months,
I will be able to process these mistakes that I made.
I need to accept that life as it used to be is over.
It's time for new beginnings.
The shock of Bubba's death took its toll on me.
I will never be the same.
That's okay!

I realized yesterday that I didn't take many pictures.
I couldn't...didn't have the strength.
It's okay.

Amanda took this one of me in my Christmas pajamas opening Lucy's precious gifts to her grammy.
It really was a beautiful day.
I am so thankful that we were all together.

I ❤️ Christmas!
(even if I did almost miss it.)


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