Tuesday, March 8, 2022

I asked for this trouble

I couldn't be happy with Frosty White.
I couldn't leave well enough alone.
What was I thinking?
The picking out of the paint colors was the fun part.
Dealing with painters who speak minimal English and me with no interpreter,
well, that's just asking for trouble.

They showed up yesterday morning bright and early.
The painter dropped off his wife and a young girl.
He left after I toured the rooms with him and told him exactly what color I wanted and where. 
 I even put up sticky notes in every room.
He took some pictures with his phone.

The girls worked so hard all day cleaning and taping the woodwork.
I felt sorry for them.
The magnitude of their work was huge.
We mainly communicated by smiling and nodding our heads.

I spent the whole day working in my garage.
It's sparkling and mostly set up.
It's a girly girl garage.
He finally came back to retrieve the ladies at 6:30 pm.
I was hungry and exhausted.
"See you in the morning at 10."
"We will start painting."
Me, "Sounds great! See you then!"
I grabbed a quick bite and started moving the furniture, the lamps, the rugs, etc.

I got up this morning and got back to work getting everything ready and put away.
At 9:00 the doorbell rang and I thought,
"Oh good, they are early."
No, it was the plumbers.
They were really early...
they were scheduled for 1:00 this afternoon.

At a little after 10, the painter and one of the girls came.
They dropped off two large barrels and 2 small cans of paint.

"Hooray," I said, "let this begin!"
When he gestured that the majority of the house was to be painted Oyster Bay
 I knew there had been a failure to communicate.
I made abundantly clear yesterday twice that the main color was Sea Salt.
They left quickly.
I didn't cry.
I think he said they would be back tomorrow at 9.
I'm really not sure.
I have no idea what the outcome of this will be,

And, I can't even tell if the finish is Eggshell.


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