Monday, April 25, 2022

Got Junk (It'll make sense when you read)


I'm having trouble with my computer again.
All of the new photos from the past month are blocked.
So I decided to post an old one from when I and my grandchildren were much younger.
I've contacted my computer guy and am waiting to hear back from him.
In the meantime, I wait.

Moving is such hard work.
I feel like I will never get finished.
I will, I know, but I'm kinda old and slow.
I work at my own pace.

I have an appointment this afternoon with a company called "Got Junk."
They come and haul off the big a ridiculous price,
but, I want to put my car in the garage.
I'm excited about the possibility of that after being here for almost 3 months.

At times like this, I miss Bubba more.
Being without a man in the house who owns a truck is hard.
There are just some things I cannot do!


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