Sunday, April 3, 2022


I'm going to try jumping back into blogging with some random pictures from the last three weeks.
It's taken me a while to get over the effects of "the shot."
I'm left with a propensity to hum constantly which I'm trying hard to overcome.
I also still feel revved up inside.
Definity something weird blindsided me.

The first picture is at Sea World.
Grammy and some of the boys were intently watching the antics of the dolphins.
They are so entertaining.

This is the current state of one of the walk-in attics.
That's where all of the unpacked boxes are...
seasonal decor and regular decor.
At this point, I hardly know the difference.
They can stay up there for as long as it takes because they are hidden away.
(very thankful for these hiding places)
Downstairs looks almost like I'm all moved in.

This is my favorite part of the attic.
All of the IKEA bookcases will be here.
I have made a lot of progress since this picture was taken.
I have unpacked my books,
(one of the very first things I did)
and put them on the shelves.
They are not in alphabetical order by author yet,
but I can at least see them.
Reading is very important to me.

I wrote this yesterday and didn't publish because I thought I would get back to it...
Obviously, I didn't.
The family came for dinner last evening and I got busy.
So here is the start of my random pictures.
More later...


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