Wednesday, October 12, 2022


Eleven years ago we went to a pumpkin patch over in South Carolina.
It was an extremely hot for October day.
In reality, we were all a big, hot, sweaty mess.

We rode in a wagon back to choose our pumpkins.
This is at the end of that experience...
Jake, the oldest grandchild chose the biggest one.
He at least glanced at the camera even though there is a bit of stress on his face.
Lucy, next to the oldest, is hanging strong, loving her choice, with a big smile.
(I'm going in age order)
Eli even at such a young age exhibits his now 15-year-old personality.
He got two pumpkins but is totally disinterested in what's going on around him.
(His brain is going 90 to nothing with creative ideas though)
Harry is a bit overwhelmed with the whole process
and would rather be running around.
Gus, who will be 12 on Sunday chose the most beautiful pumpkin.
(I'm sure he got some help from his mom)

I am so thankful for these very special memories.
Littles have grown up.
Jake will be 18 in May of 2023.


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