Tuesday, October 25, 2022

"spread over everything"

In the quote above I substitute his for her.

Usually, I write about Bubba on the 29th of the month
 because that was the day he went to be with Jesus,
but this popped up this morning,
 and I am going through a hard time,
 so I'm writing about grief today instead.

"His absence is like the sky, spread over everything."

Still. after all these months, I struggle with grief.

Bubba was a huge presence.
He had a large personality.
He took care of me.
He loved me unconditionally.
His life covered mine.
I depended on him.

I'm sure it's why I live afraid.
My cover was removed.
I fight the fear.
But, it never completely goes away.

I'm learning to depend on Jesus.
This widowhood was His will for me from eternity past.
There are things I still need to learn before I'm fit for heaven.
He knows what I need and provides for me in ways I sometimes cannot fathom.

Maybe it's the fear that He wants to help me conquer.
Whatever it is,
I look forward to heaven because there won't be any more sin.
Fear is sin...not trusting God.
I hate my sin.

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