Tuesday, October 18, 2022

a gentle reminder

Every Government is responsible to God. 
No Government can expect to prosper without God's blessing.
JC Ryle

Vote and...
Pray for our country!
Our nation has turned its back on God.

I just went to "early" vote.
A couple of things...

1. There were a crazy amount of people voting.
I take that as a good sign!

2. The line was very long and the sun was very hot.
At one point about halfway there, I thought I was going to faint.
I didn't, but I still haven't fully recovered.
I think I needed water.
They provided big coolers with "free" water, but they were all empty.
I persevered and managed to vote.

I took my book to read in line.
That makes the time go faster, but I think that's what made me sick.
I had to stop reading.

3. There were a plethora of people over 75 who got to go to the head of the line.
I missed that honor by one year.

I'm glad that's done!


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