Sunday, October 9, 2022

special guest

There are only five actual people in this photo.
Can you figure it out?

David's friend is visiting Savannah this weekend.
We were honored this morning by his presence at Hope.
He taught the youth this morning and then brought the message for our worship.
What a huge blessing!
To hear of the work that God is doing through his ministry thrilled our hearts.
He is staying down at the beach at my condo.
We went down on Friday afternoon to take a few things that he might need.
It makes me so happy to share my place with others.

We went to Bow Ties after church.

Back to the first picture.
We are all on the deck looking out over the beach.
(some of us are)
(okay at the time this was taken only Erika is looking at the view)
There is a mirror at the far end.
Arch and Lu are caught in the reflection.
I did a pencil sketch setting and lightened the picture.
You can see me behind David taking the picture.
I love this picture!
A few more...

Walkway to the beach from my deck.

Here you can see where the mirror is in the first shot.
Views for miles and miles.


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