Friday, January 6, 2023

at the beach with my babies

Whatever is scaring the bejeebers out of these sweet babies is not bothering me a bit!
Just wanted to share the latest on my tree.🠟

She sat there on the lawn in front of my house all week...
forlorn and shriveled to a mere fraction of her glory.
What a terrible ending for such a glorious beauty.
My last post chronicled my hopes and plans for her speedy removal.
None of those plans worked out.
Every time I glanced out of the window she was still there,
laying on her side,
 and turning browner and browner.
🎄 😢

Yesterday I spent a good part of the afternoon on my phone.
I texted my HOA.
No help there.
I have no idea why they receive monthly payments from me.

I called the City of Savannah.
They do not publish phone numbers.
I finally found a number for the utility payment department.
I got a real, live person who was completely clueless.
After much ado about nothing,
she said that they didn't service my area.
Evidently, I don't live in the city of Savannah
She gave me a number for Chatham County Sanitation Department.
They were sorry, but they didn't service my area either.
Plus, she said, "We don't pick up from duplexes."
Oh really?
Then what do people like me do who live in a duplex?

I texted Erika and we made plans to drag the tree to the woods behind my house.
There she 
(the tree not Erika)
 could die a peaceful death and go back to the earth.
No more shameful laying by the side of the road until she finally disintegrated away.

I was pleased with this plan.

Today I went on a mission with David, Erika, and Lucy.
I'll tell you about this in my next post.
We had a fabulous lunch at a great little Mediterranean restaurant.
After our mission,
I drove home to find...
my beautiful Christmas tree was gone.
Only a few pine needles remained.
I don't know who took her or where she went.
I was elated.
Some kind soul knew my dilemma and stepped in to help.
Thank you to whoever you are.
You are a blessing.

*Maybe the workers in the house across the street put her in that dumpster.
I'm not going over there to see.



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