Friday, January 20, 2023

frankie, teri, cathy

As we gathered yesterday to say goodbye to Aunt Jackie,
I was struck by a few true things.

1. Funerals have a way of bringing people together.

2. Sitting together looking at the casket topped with beautiful flowers you see your own end.

3. There is no escaping the fact that out time on earth is short.

4. Life is full of pain and sorrow.

5. This earth was never meant to be our permanent home.

6. Jesus Christ is our only hope.
He died to make it possible for us to live forever.
He shed His blood to save our souls from eternal damnation.
We do not have to fear death.
Our death is the beginning of the life God planned for us.
We can rejoice and be exceedlingly glad.
His word is true.

Thank You Jesus for who You are and what You have done.
Forever thankful!



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