Wednesday, April 21, 2010

and so my decision is....

the blog will continue to be written.

I have struggled in the last few days about what to do.
I've been writing for a long time.
I do get on my soap box every now and then on things that are extremely important to me.
Sometimes I have writer's block and think I don't have anything left to say.
Some readers have even gotten mad at me and left.

I told Bubba this past weekend that I was thinking about giving it up....
he got furious at me. "People love your post and look forward to it every day," he said.
You share the truth in a way that people can is your gift."

Okay....he feels very strongly that I should continue.
And....when my source is the Bible I would never run out of things to write about.
Plus....I absolutely love to come up here in the evenings and write my heart out.
Sometimes I get inspired to write in the morning as well.

I had not made my decision as of this morning.
Early on I received a comment on this morning's post that made my decision for me.
God used what I wrote to touch the heart of a young girl and I knew without a doubt....
I will keep writing. It was the answer I needed.

If I have offended you....I am sorry......
but I will continue to
write and
share my thoughts and
my pictures and
God's word
as long as He allows.

In my blog I share my heart and in that way I share my love with you as well.
And I pray for you all also.....everybody that reads my blog. (Ephesians 1: 16&17)

Thank you Lord for revealing Your will to me this morning.

1 comment:

Cherie said...

Good decision, Cathy!
I am one who looks forward to your posts, even if I rarely comment.