Thursday, April 8, 2010

poppies popping up

Savannah is so beautiful right now.
A drive anywhere in this town takes my breath away.
I don't remember a season in my recent memory when everything is blooming at once.
God made all of this beauty for us to enjoy.

I often think about flowers and how no man can make them.
The best that he can do is use silk or delicate paper....
but, no provocative scent and no delicate feel.
And no one can match the colors with which God tints each delicate blossom.

Flowers and trees are examples of God's great love for us.
They will be in heaven more glorius than here on earth.

"Consider the lillies......" Matthew 6:28

I was with Lindsey this afternoon.
Bryan is showing improvement.
Praise God.
Continue to pray.

I love you my friends,

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