Sunday, April 25, 2010

getting lost and finding the way

Last weekend God revealed a new truth to me.
Not that I had not heard it before but,
this time it hit me in the place where it made a heart.

satisfaction ~ contentment ~ true joy have always been elusive to me.
I have always looked for them in the wrong places.

These treasures are heavenly....
they are priceless,
they are spiritual.

For a Christian, Satan is our adversary.
He does not want us to know God's truth.
Because he wants us to be miserable so that our witness to the world is destroyed.

So........because of this new found truth that had potentially life changing hope for me,
Satan attacked my mind with all of his foolish tricks so that by the end of the week I could hardly remember what had made me so happy a few days earlier. I had to think hard
to even remember the great truth that God had revealed to me.

Last night I told Bubba about my predicament and he said, "You know what you have to do, Cathy, get in your Bible, pray, and reread the chapters in the book."

Today I am back on track.....
Listen to what I read this afternoon in another book...

"Joy and contentment describe the deep inner satisfaction that Christians feel for what God has done for them. This inner satisfaction enables them to remain happy, and not start complaining about God, even when things seem to be against them."

from "Learning to be Happy" by Jeremiah Burroughs (1599 - 1646)

This is how I learn a new truth....
One step forward and one hundred steps backward.
But...I have this promise,

"He (God) who is in me is stronger than he (Satan) who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

Praise God!

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