Monday, April 26, 2010

another day in paradise

Monday ~
I was getting the laundry done early this morning.
It was going really well.

Sheets done and another load in before eight o'clock......
moving right along.

Bubba always has a black ink pen in the pocket of his uniform....
shorts and a tee shirt.
He always removes the pen but this time he didn't.
I missed it too.

Most everything in that load was ruined.
The tub was covered in slimy black ink which
got under my fingernails while I was cleaning.
What a mess!

I tell that story to say this.....
Instances like what happened this morning are the stuff of life.
Little things that set you on edge and can easily ruin your day.

The truth's not worth it.
I laughed and
thanked the Lord
that my new gray capri jeans
didn't even get a spot on them.

"Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty,
and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city."
Proverbs 16:32

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