Monday, September 13, 2010

God's delight

If you love someone,
the greatest of joys
is to communicate with that person.

The Bible tells us that
"the prayer of the upright is God's delight." proverbs 15:8

Imagine that.....the great God of the universe,
the God who made heaven and earth,
the God who sustains us on this earth,
and causes the sun to shine by day
and the moon by night is
"delighted to hear our prayers."

How often do we converse with Him?

I like this verse....
"In the morning, O Lord,
Thou will hear my voice.
In the morning
I will order my prayer to Thee
and eagerly watch." psalm 5:3

Eagerly watch?
What for?
His wisdom, of course.

There is a continual excitement
in a true believer's life
to see what the Lord is going to do
in all of the circumstances of life.

As we order our prayers to Him
and pray according to
His will.....
we watch and wait
with the full expectation that His answer will come.

God is the giver of wisdom and all good things.
He answers our prayers
according to what He knows we need,
in His timing
with grace and mercy.

God loves us and delights in our prayers.
We should always lift up to Him
Our praise and thanksgiving
as well as our supplication.

Being assured that......

"The Lord has heard my supplication,
The Lord receives my prayer." proverbs 6:9

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