Sunday, September 12, 2010

sitting in church

Our pastor is a man of God's word.
He doesn't just skim the surface
of the passages he preaches from.
He studies...........
and brings out all of the fascinating details
that make his messages come to life.
He preaches a night service too,
almost unheard of in the churches today.
Lucy, you know, our four year old grandbaby,
has started to sit in on night church.
She brings her Bible and a notepad for her "notes."
She sings with her hymnal and is a very good
participant in all of the goings on.
Tonight our pastor was nearing the end of his sermon
when Lucy leaned in and whispered, quite loudly, in my ear.....
"Grammie, How many more weeks until we go to Disney World?"
I whispered back that we would be going in one more week.
She got a big smile on her face and went back to her note taking.
The only other thing I heard out of her was a really
long, loud, and drawn out yawn
which turned some heads in front of us.
Sweet little girl learning to love God's word.
One of my sweetest blessings in life.

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