Sunday, May 15, 2011

anatomy of a freak out

Sitting in church......
you could hear a pin drop.

Bob had just started preaching....
everyone was in rapt attention.

My cell phone starts ringing...
How could that be?
I always leave it in the car on Sunday.

I have an old fashioned ring tone,
kinda loud.
In that quiet place
it sounded like sirens inside the church.

I grab my purse
and start digging.
It is not in the pouch it should be in.

My heart rate has risen
to an all time high level.....
feel everyone's eyes boring into me.

I cannot locate the phone...
but keep trying.

Never found it,
but mercifully it quit ringing.

I freaked out in church today.
It was not a pretty sight.
Every time I think of it I cringe.

(it was a courtesy call from
CVS Pharmacy informing
that my perscription was ready.
My name will be off
 of their call list as of tomortrow.)

1 comment:

Allison Stroud said...

LOL! Oh dear! Where did you end up finding it?