Wednesday, May 4, 2011

kittykat helmet

me:    "lucy, let's go to the fresh market to get some blackberries.
lucy:  "can I push the buggy?"
me:    "yes, you may if you are very careful."
lucy:  "grammy are we there yet?"
me:    "Lucy, think about this......
          how could we be there
          if we are still in the car driving down the road?"
lucy:  "I don't know, but are we there yet now?"

such are the days of our lives......

We are all very excited
about the coming up of Lucy's dance recital
in a couple of weeks.
Her costume has come in
and Monday was a mini dress-rehearsal.
How fun to see her dance the polka
with her boy ballerina partner.
It remains to be seen
if she will even move a step
when she gets up on the stage in front of hundreds of people.

David and Erika have a court date on Friday.
Please pray that the judge will have everything she needs
so that they can rescue this child and bring him home.
So many hopeless orphans....

"The Lord watches over the sojourners;
He upholds the widow and the fatherless."
Psalm 146:9

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