Monday, May 2, 2011

seeing God in everything

It is growing down the way a little from our home.
It smells so good wafting on the wind through my open windows.
a special gift from God.
Something that He made to give us pleasure.

The seagull in the picture above,
flew over my head while we were at the beach.
It was my pure pleasure to watch him spin and soar...
happy and contnent in the world God gave him.

At the moment of salvation,
believers are given the gift of the
Holy Spirit.
God's Spirit,
at work within us,
over time begins to teach us His ways.

Before long,
after spending much time in His word,
we begin to see God in everything....
the physical world, and all that happens in our lives.
Nothing is outside of His sovereign hand of purpose.

I am overwhelmed with my God tonight.
this is He......

"O Lord,
thou art my God;
I will exalt Thee,
I will give thanks to Thy name;
For Thou hast worked wonders,
plans formed long ago with perfect faithfulness."
Isaiah 25:1

"plans formed long ago with perfect faithfulness."

A little tiny baby girl dies in Africa
and we immediately praise our all sovereign God.
God knew Mae and the plans He had for her
long before we thought she would be ours.
She is with Him now in perfection.

"plans formed long ago with perfect faithfulness."

While Lucy was dancing today,
I was looking through the book of Isaiah.
I knew He would take me to the perfect verse
for what I wanted to write tonight.

Do you see God in everything?
Being able to live that way is the greatest gift I know.

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