Sunday, July 7, 2013

the boys of summer

Jake and Eli playing ball.
Real sluggers they are!
I love these guys...
so much!

Learning to Trust God

I don't have any trouble trusting God in the most important thing...
my salvation.
God has clearly shown me in His word
what a sinner I am 
and how much I need a Savior.
Jesus died to take away my sin nature,
to give me power over the remaining sin in my life,
and to put me in a right relationship with God.

I am bought with a price......
the shed blood of Jesus.
I have been given a new heart,
and the ability to understand His word
by the working of His Spirit 
deep within my soul.

Having all that, I say this....
I struggle to trust Him in the little things,
the small details,
the tiny,
 nitty-gritty daily dealings of my life.

I see sin manifest itself when I least expect.....
in a thought,
a motive, 
a desire,
a word.

Overcoming sin is a daily fight...
an on-going, never-ending battle 
with the unseen enemy. 
 O Lord, help me to know Your word more and more,
so that I can overcome sin.

Lastly, O God,
help me to remember that overcoming sin
brings glory to You.
May Your power be manifest in me.


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