Thursday, October 8, 2020

and the other thing...

Saturday night suppers are the best.
The kids come through the door like gangbusters.
The excitement is palatable.
Everyone gets a hug and a greeting.
Their arrival is one of my favorite things.
It's the beginning of a couple of hours of" lovely" mass pandemonium.
There are five of them you know.

Harry, the just turned thirteen-year-old, 
has always loved my Snow Village scenes.
Every year I place the houses on my hutch and leave the little figures for him to arrange. 
I had them on the table in the fireplace room, out of sight.
In my mind, they would ride their scooters outside for a bit while I pulled everything together.
Little did I know but maybe I should have!

My meal was almost ready to serve.
David and Erika came early to help me turn the mattress on my bed,
 so I got caught up in that.
It wasn't long before a report came in that disaster had struck.
Long story short,
they (all of them) saw the people and the fences and the pumpkins etc and set to work.
It was a mad dash and a fiasco.
We had a decapitation and an amputation before you could say "ACHOO!"

Granddaddy was the one who always fixed our disasters.
He had super glue and all kinds of tools to hold them together while they were drying.
I didn't get upset because that's not something Grammies do.
Our scene will be missing a few "trick or treaters" this year.
So what?
The hutch still looks festive and I can't believe how creative they are.



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