Thursday, October 28, 2021

red sky at morning...

...sailors take warning.

This was the sky that greeted me this morning.
It was as if the heavens were on fire just beyond the trees.
I knew a big storm was expected.
I love storms and anticipate them with giddiness.

Today was infusion day.
I had planned to stay home and rest this afternoon.
I am just not 100% for a few days after this procedure.
Erika sent me a text letting me know that nothing exciting was going on at my house.
No reason to go out.
I  hunkered down for the long haul.

Other than some gentle rain, nothing really materialized.
 I am enjoying the milder side of the proposed bad storm that was heading this way.
Later I will walk to the trash compactor and the mailbox which I didn't think I'd be able to do.

I've been meaning to share this site with you for a while.
This guy gives only the no-nonsense version of hurricanes, earthquakes, and major storms.
He just makes sense without all of the hype you get at the major weather sites.
I have followed him all summer.
I look forward to his posts and his take on things.
He just makes so much sense.

Today's storm didn't materialize.
He came on mid-morning to let me know.
I appreciate that!


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