Tuesday, October 26, 2021

some things take my breath away

We had been to Zoe's for dinner.
Zoe's is a Mediterranean fast-food restaurant.
I bought mini bundt cakes for dessert at Nothing Bundt Cakes.
We ate outside.
We laughed a lot.
A lizard marched past on the railing.
Saturday was a bad day for close encounters with snakes and lizards for me.
After we finished we all went out to my new house.
The kids (all of us) like to see the progress of what had been done.

When we turned onto Hope Lane,
this sight took my breath away.
I asked Harry to jump out and take a picture.
The sun was just before dropping below the trees.
It was making a splash of color on the water and the fountain.
I am always stopped in my tracks by beauty.

The kids have gotten used to their Grammy's obsession with her camera.
I am always looking for a good shot.
They know it and mostly comply.
The lighting was bad.
(sun went down)
(no electricity in my house)
I had to edit for this photo to be seen.
But, I love it so much.

I have a wonderful camera on my phone,
but I can't get the photos to my blog.
Because of this I always have my big Canon with me.
Bubba loved my blog and bought me two cameras before he died.
I'm so thankful for this hobby.
I'm so thankful you read.


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