Saturday, November 27, 2021

a much-anticipated taste

This boardwalk goes down to a little island behind my apartment.
After our Thanksgiving feast in my cozy apartment,
After a short rest time,
Before we went to see my new house,
we went for a walk to explore the beauty out over the marsh.
This was our group selfie.

A new pillow on an old, old sofa that abides in my apartment.
It, the sofa, is probably forty years old.
It may or may not be transported to my new house.
I haven't decided yet.

We had turkey and dressing,
Sweet potato souffle,
Green beans,
Macaroni and cheese,
Corn casserole,
Cranberry congealed salad with fresh orange dressing,
Yeast rolls,
Mark's famous pumpkin pie.
It was all delicious.
We drug it back out yesterday and enjoyed it all over again.
Then, the rest of the leftovers went home with the Hollingsworths.
The Thanksgiving food is a much-anticipated taste.

Sculpted Daisy.
My wedding dishes.
Fifty-One years later they are still being used and cherished.
The smallest group ever, 
but very sweet fellowship.

I loved every minute of our "cozy" celebration.
It is so healing to be thankful.
I think I love Thanksgiving the best!


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