Saturday, November 13, 2021

"let not your heart be troubled"

I've been mulling over this post for almost a month.
When I write about the things of God I feel inadequate.
Spiritual things are weighty and personal.
I just can't do them justice.

With that said, I will move on.
Bubba's death on so many Saturdays ago was a bellwether time in my life.
It was as if all that happened before was leading me to this era of widowhood.
Now, nothing seems more important than what is happening in my heart.
I am drawn to prayer and the reading and studying of His word as never before.

David has been preaching through the gospel of John for some time now.
We have made it steadily to chapter 14.
The opening sentence speaks...

"Let not your heart be troubled."

That drew me in.
It's one thing to read your Bible.
It's another thing to study it in depth.
The word of God is how Jesus communicates His truth to us through the work of His Spirit.
I'm using the two commentaries above to help me learn the truths contained in this chapter.
Jesus was speaking these words to His disciples on the night before He died.
He was going to the cross but He was comforting and teaching His friends.

Early in the morning before the sun comes up.
Curled up with a cozy, warm throw in front of a fire.
Soaking up the truth and then praying for everybody I know.
It is a glorious time ~ the best part of my day.

I would encourage you to read and study the words of God. 
Start with the Gospel of John.
These two commentaries are worth whatever you have to pay for them.
I will use the word thrilling.
The things I'm learning are thrilling.

I want all of us to be together one day in heaven rejoicing.
All sin will be gone. 
We will be free.
No more tears.
No more separation or estrangement.
I cannot wait for that day!



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