Monday, November 8, 2021

time change and high, high tides

I just wish they would stop messing with our clocks.
Please just decide on a good time and let it alone for perpetuity.
No more springing forward and falling back.
I honestly believe that my body is allergic to this time change thing.
I wake up super early.
I want to eat lunch at 10:30 am and supper at 4:00 pm.
I am not tired at bedtime.
Why does this happen twice in one year?
It's insane!

This is so true!!!

I wrote in my last post about all of the rain we had over the weekend.
It finally stopped yesterday morning after I got to church.
We also had extremely high tides...
might have even broken some records.
The road to Tybee often has to close because the tides cover the road.
this morning when I went to get in the tank,
(Bubba's large van),
the river that flows by my apartment was emptying itself into the parking lot.
I hurriedly jumped in.  backed out, and just escaped a catastrophe.
Thankfully tides go back out after they come in.
You just have to wait a while.
Later, when I got back home, the flood had gone back to where it belonged.
So thankful!

More house news coming soon.


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