Sunday, August 7, 2022

happy birthday erika

It was Saturday morning.
I was preparing to make a delicious pecan pie for Erika's birthday.
We were having her party at noon rather than in the evening because Lu had to get to work.
All of a sudden the sky darkened and the heavens opened up.
There was lots of lightning and thunder.
Buckets of rain started to fall.
I adore a good storm!

There are days when life just seems blissful
Yesterday was one of those days.
My family was coming over.
I had decorated my house,
made the table pretty,
prepared a meal,
wrapped gifts.

We are a rag-tag group.
Harry had fallen off of his scooter and hurt his shoulder.
Walter had a gift ribbon tied around his neck.
I love all of them so much...
just like they are.

We played the "Spoon Game."
It was a wonderful day,
a wonderful party.
God is so good.


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