Tuesday, August 16, 2022

my tree saga

Everyone in Herb River Bluff receives a tree as part of their landscaping package.
One tree for each side of the duplex...they are all alike...
...except for my tree.
My tree was half dead and half alive.

As soon as I moved in and caught my breath and realized that I would have to fight for what I need,
I started asking the HOA people for two things...
1. That they would fix my irrigation system,
2. That they would replace my half-dead tree with a whole living tree.
They said that the tree was not dead,
that they would not replace it.
They did fix the irrigation system,
 but in their own sweet time.
They let my newly planted grass die before they took action.
No one ever even spoke to me about the tree.

This past Saturday someone came to my house and lopped the dead part of the tree off.
No one came to my door and clued me in to the plan.
I discovered it later while walking to the mailbox.
The non-dead part that I'm left with is clearly not thriving.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of my tree and my neighbor's tree.

I'm holding out for a tree that is completely alive from top to bottom.
I probably won't get it but I will keep trying.
I am not a fighter but I'm learning to be.
Stay tuned.
This may take a while.


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