Monday, August 29, 2022

hey bubba ~ two years and 6 months

I have found this to be true...
many people think it best not to mention Bubba's name in my presence.
Maybe they think it will make me sad.
Maybe they think it will make me burst out crying.
Most people don't know how to handle the grief of another person.

Here is the truth...
I love to hear his name spoken out loud.
I and my kids and my grandkids speak of him all the time,
remembering things that happened while he was with us.
I like to laugh with others at the crazy things we shared together.
Most of our grandkids were old enough when he went to heaven to know him quite well.
I am always amazed at what they recall and how respectfully they speak of him.
He had such a positive impact on all of us.
Speaking of him makes me happy.
I want to keep his memory alive.

Widowhood is hard, but life goes on.
You get accustomed to life without your loved one.
I still have sharp pangs of grief when I least expect them.
These times are deeply personal and I do not share.
Grief will always be with me.
I lost a treasure.
There is a place in my heart that will never heal.
I want to remember him, 
talk about him with people who knew him well.
I want to love the gift of Bubba that was given to me by God.



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