Friday, September 23, 2022

hello pumpkin...

...I found you at the commissary yesterday.
There were several contenders but I chose you because I thought,
"This particular pumpkin is as perfect as a pumpkin can get."
I loaded you  into my "buggy."
You were a bright addition to all of the groceries I had to buy.
(I'm cooking a huge meal tomorrow)
I checked out,
pushed the "buggy" to the "tank," 
 and loaded my pumpkin in the back.
When I got home,
I wrangled you out and took you into the garage for a good washing.
After I rested and fixed my supper,
I proudly set you in front of my house where you are now,
conveying to everyone who passes by that it is Fall.
This makes me very happy...
my pumpkin,
 and the delightful weather that came with it. 😊




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