Thursday, October 19, 2023

training your anxious thoughts (it's very hard)

Whenever you catch your mind wandering back into the forbidden territory, 
(you can be sure that it will)
immediately change the direction of your thought.
This will happen more frequently at first until you retrain and discipline it.
Do not allow yourself one conscious moment of an anxious thought.

 Instead, ask God to help you refocus upon those things that fit into Paul's list recorded in 
Phillippians 4:8-9. 

The attitude must grow within you which says: 
"So, if I have a fear experience, so what? 
It's unpleasant, it's disturbing, but I'll live through least I always have before."

When you honestly can think this way without becoming anxious, 
you will know that the change has been made.
Jay Adams

Paul's list...
"Finally brethren, 
whatever is true,
whatever is honorable,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
Whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute,
if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise,
let your mind dwell on these things."

Thank you, God, 
that your Word contains all that we need for life and godliness.


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