Friday, January 5, 2024

low speed blowout

I have been really sick this week
It started last Friday at Anna's shower.
In the midst of a joyous reunion with people I hadn't seen in so long,
I completely lost my voice.
It started with that and a sore throat.
I was so sad that I couldn't enjoy the party.
The infusion that I take keeps me remarkably well.
The sickness came out of the blue and took me down.
I missed church on Sunday but did manage to pull together a New Year's Eve party.
For the next few days, 
I was down and out...
sick as a dog.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my allergist,
the doctor who prescribes my infusion.
Her office is up in Pooler.
I really needed to keep that appointment.

Now to the blowout.
As soon as I turned out of my neighborhood I knew something wasn't right.
The further I went the worse it got.
My van was making a horrible noise and was wildly shaking.

My thought...
This will level off. 
The car has been sitting in my driveway for days and it is frozen up.
As soon as it warms up it will be fine.
Such a stupid thought!

At some point I faced reality...
I need to get off the road now and assess the situation.
I thought my transmission had exploded.

I texted David.
At this point,
 I settled in my mind that it was a flat tire even though I never got out of the van.
Intuition I guess.
If I still had the power to drive,
it couldn't be the transmission.
I called AAA roadside assistance and resigned myself to a long wait in the cold.
I reluctantly contacted my doctor and canceled my much-needed appointment.

This has a good ending I promise.
Just like that Erika appears,
tells me to get in her car and head to the doctor's office,
and takes my place in the cold van to wait for the repairman.
She is an angel of mercy and a very present help when I need help.

I called and the doctor said for me to come on,
I was late but not by much.

I never even got out to see the tire.
I saw this picture after I returned home.
What a blowout it was!

God took care of me in so many ways yesterday.
He never forsakes His people.
He watches over His own and uses His people to minister to those in need.
I am overwhelmed by the God that I love.


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