Friday, August 10, 2007

never enough time

They go by so quickly.....these days that we can sit lazily by the shore and do absolutely nothing. If we did this all of the time we would start to take it for granted rather than think about it with thankfulness.

Vacations from the daily grind are a privilege granted for hard work and diligence to our tasks. It gives us something to look forward to all year.

Yesterday I found a starfish on the beach. The evidence of God's creativity in its design and intricacy were very evident. I sent it back to the warm waters after studying it for a while. I thought it deserved to live.

I love to be in the warm waters of the ocean. They soothe as nothing else can. As I go out I sometimes think of the sharks and ask God to keep them at bay. God created them as different from the starfish, but part of His design and plan. They too are sleek and fast.

The sea birds are so entertaining. Their flying formations....doing exactly what the leader does. The ones that twirl and squawk and put on a show for their audience......each so delicate yet able to soar in the heights.

Genesis 1
vs.20 Then God said, "Let the waters teem with swarms of living creatures, and let the birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the heavens."

vs.21 And God created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed after their kind, and every winged bird after its kind, and God saw that it was good.

From my reading in "Authentic Christianity" by Martin Lloyd Jones:

"I am convinced that the trouble with the world today is that it does not believe in God. And so much of our evangelism goes wrong because it starts with the Lord Jesus Christ. But you must start with God the Father, God the Creator, One whose glory fills the heavens, the One who is over all."

This was my problem....all of my life I had been taught to begin with Jesus......"ask Jesus into your heart and he will save you from your sins," but I didn't know God. When I started seeking God He taught me why I so despartely needed Jesus.

Thank you God for your gift of faith that enabled me to believe in the work of your precious Son Jesus Christ.

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