Friday, February 8, 2008

the yellow purse

Just a short post from Louisville, Kentucky, soon not to be the home base of the Hollingsworth family any longer.

Our trip from Savannah went very well. Our stop at Lenox was short, but sweet. I bought a yellow purse that I love. It is a bit shocking, but it has so many neat nooks and crannies. I am hoping that I will never have to search for my cellphone again.

Tomorrow we turn around with Jake in tow and head back home. I estimate that the trip is about eleven hours........four to Knoxville......three to Atlanta.....four to Savannah. We hope to be away by nine o'clock in the morning.

I had my first birthday celebration tonight. I got a bag to carry my camera around in which I badly needed. The most fun came when Jake put the bag it came in on his head to be knocked off over and over. My cake will be donuts with decaf in a few minutes.

Eli is doing well. He got a new brace for his hand today.

I am so thankful for this family and the great opportunity they have before them. Please pray for all of us as we work together to make this move happen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have to rewrite my telephone
book again, everyone moves too much!!!!!!
Guess that is better than being stuck in one town for all but one year of
69 years.
Have a safe trip home, looking
forward to Jake's visit.